From September 3-5, 2012, my wife, my son and I decided to spend a few days at Salt Fork State Park in Ohio after our daughter's wedding in Madison, Ohio. Salt Fork is about a 6 hour drive for us, and I would love to visit it more often, but the distance prohibits us from frequenting one of the "squatchiest" places in the country. On Sept 4, my son, Dan (who is gifted with down syndrome) and I went for a hike in the woods. The only way I could get him out of the hotel room and to keep him from watching TV is to say we were going to look for Bigfoot. He thought it was a neat idea and jumped at the chance.
After communicating with the local Bigfoot authority, Doug Waller, I was able to discern the best place to search for evidence. Below is what we found:
And thus began our own personal search to verify what Dan saw. I cannot verify with him, exactly, since he does not speak very well. And sometimes his answers are lead by repeating what people say, rather than thinking for himself. Some people who I showed this to recommended that I not divulge the location. Others suggested that i not publish it at all. To be honest, I am not sure what this is. I know what I hope it is, but I am not at all certain. I am NOT looking for personal recognition (I have had plenty of that in my life), nor am I looking for publicity. However, as a pragmatic person, I believe that in order to get to the truth of such matters, one may have to stick his/her neck out a little and see if there is anyone else out there who he can commiserate with and share experiences with. In addition, I believe in the biblical concept of having counselors in one's endeavors. And I would hope that somehow, this blog will attract some knowledgeable and educated people to comment on possibilities. Please note that I am fully aware of the existence of BLOBS being submitted as proof of Sasquatch. I would hope that what you see in my posts are NOT BolobSquatches, but something that is "interesting" at the least.
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