For those Marylanders who believe that there MAY exist an undiscovered American primate. This blog is dedicated to the purpose of publishing evidence, whether questionable or not, of the existence of Bigfoot in and around our state.
Specifcally, we are searching for evidence of the Blueberry Hill Monster
Here is a study of the pictures taken at the direction of my son, Dan.
These come from larger photos and are enlargements of areas. I decided to see if giving these pics a different exposure would show any more to other people, who have a difficult time seeing the subjects. A few people have said all they see is shadows, and nothing else. I hope this helps them see what others see in these pics.
Please tell me what you think.
People I have shown the originals to have either said all they see are shadows, they think this is a bear, or these are stumps. I can tell you, from studying these pictures, there is just too much movement between the two pictures to justify a stationary object like a stump. Plus, the fact there are three subjects in question, puts it out of the realm of possibility of paredolia...simply from a statistical probability standpoint.
Just remember that these come from two pictures taken one after another. The results show some type of movement for each subject.
To me, the interesting one is the infant subject. You can see a difference between what looks like a cupped hand and then extended fingers between the two pictures.
Also, if you notice, what I will label as a juvenile, the full face-on subject, take a look at how the mouth changed from a straight line to curved or puckered. Also, in the original comparisons, it looks like the juvey moves from the front to the back, as if taking a step back into the shadows. Of course, this is my interpretation here.
And the "mother" moves her head from up to down in this sequence. Although the original picture sequence has her nodding down with the second picture, her head tilted more upright (which is the featured pic I show more often here).
I was about to take this picture of the tree/stick structure at Salt Fork State Park, in Ohio (back in early October, 2012). As I was concentrating on the camera screen that I held up in front of my face, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black object move and disappear behind a tree and a downed log (see the circles). I took two pictures in succession. When I got home and put this on my computer, and enlarged the photograph, in this particular area of shadows, a face appears, with different posturing in each of the pictures.
Alright...I fell subject to calling this a tree-peeker.
Actually, I don't know what this is, but it has some features of a face...a rather ugly one.
Could this be a juvenile BF?
Usually, I would consider this pareidolia, except for the fact that I took these two pictures within moments of each other, while standing in the same spot, and not moving myself, other than to push the trigger to take two pictures. This definitely shows the subject to have moved position, of what looks like the left side of the face.
I played with color "enhancing" just see if any features pop out at you. Well, here it is, direct from Salt Fork State Park.
This is my rookie attempt at trying to make sense of the pictures I took. The subject is located in this picture where the circle is, and the rest of the pics were enlarged to check the blurry details. (How's that for an oxymoron?)
The enlarged photos from the circled area. The second picture of the above is not included, but the enlargement from that photo is the second close up below:
First, I took this one
Then this one was taken
There seems to be a definite change in expression also.
I have become a little inquisitive as to the significance (or not) of tree breaks, twisted and bent saplings, stacked branches, intertwined trees, branches and saplings.
While there appears to be similar type structures in other research areas, I wonder about them as common elements pointing towards possible Big Foot activity or presence.
I know that there is the possibility and potential that these structures could simply be from blown over trees, randomly falling limbs and falling trees, as well as humanly placed to mark trails for hunting, etc. I also observed that many of these markings are very near game trails. While this could be indicative of hunters marking their trails, many of the unusual tree breaks occur over 5 or 6 feet from the ground. In most cases it appears as though these tree breaks could simply occur as a result of attempts to bend them or create archways, such as ones I have found that identify portions of game trails.
I have asked all the hunters I have run across in these woods, as well as friends of mine if they know of anybody that marks trails, game trails, and such. Not one of them acknowledged anybody they knew who did this or admitted that they did themselves. But it remains a possibility, I guess.
In other instances, I have noticed smaller, yet similar, type branch structures at the entrances of what could appear to be pathways into the woods. In some instances, these pathways are actually caused by water erosion, yet others seem to be game or animal trails. The animal trails are the ones that seem to not have these markers. Some have told me (and I don't know how they would know this) that the trail markers, or stick structures indicate a warning or a no trespassing type of communication.
Here is a video of my observation in a relatively small area where there is a concentration of these stick structures. I have not noticed other areas that had such high concentration of these structures. Please refer to my previous post that showcased the area I am observing.
Below, is another picture of a stick structure taken at Salt Fork State Park, in an area called "Bigfoot Ridge"
Notice the similarities between what I had found in Maryland, and these structures in Ohio.
Salt Fork stick structure
Salt Fork stick structure
This particular structure (second picture) was photographed near the location that I took a picture that showed a possible subject. In particular, I do not remember this structure being there the day before, as I remember leaning against this group of trees. The next day, I noticed this structure of branches that appeared...almost as a notice to me...of what, I do not know. While taking two pictures of this structure, just as I was looking at the back of my camera, I noticed movement in the upper left hand portion of this picture. It had already moved before the picture was taken. As I zoomed in on this area in the picture, I noticed a face hidden between some logs. The next picture shows a face also, but in a different position, showing that the subject had moved.
If you take a look at these two pics, you will notice a difference between them.
There is another researcher who took a picture of another subject that seemed to be hiding in a similar type place, between some logs and a tree, like this one. But the subject was at another location, within this same forest. Our two pictures seem to corroborate the existence of this subject. What is it?
Other YouTube videos that consider the phenomenon of these stick structures are listed below: