Friday, December 7, 2012

Another look at a BF family portrait...HOLD STILL!

Here is a study of the pictures taken at the direction of my son, Dan.
These come from larger photos and are enlargements of areas.  I decided to see if giving these pics a different exposure would show any more to other people, who have a difficult time seeing the subjects. A few people have said all they see is shadows, and nothing else. I hope this helps them see what others see in these pics.

Please tell me what you think.

People I have shown the originals to have either said all they see are shadows, they think this is a bear, or these are stumps. I can tell you, from studying these pictures, there is just too much movement between the two pictures to justify a stationary object like a stump.  Plus, the fact there are three subjects in question, puts it out of the realm of possibility of paredolia...simply from a statistical probability standpoint.
Just remember that these come from two pictures taken one after another. The results show some type of movement for each subject.

To me, the interesting one is the infant subject. You can see a difference between what looks like a cupped hand and then extended fingers between the two pictures.

Also, if you notice, what I will label as a juvenile, the full face-on subject, take a look at how the mouth changed from a straight line to curved or puckered. Also, in the original comparisons, it looks like the juvey moves from the front to the back, as if taking a step back into the shadows. Of course, this is my interpretation here.

And the "mother" moves her head from up to down in this sequence. Although the original picture sequence has her nodding down with the second picture, her head tilted more upright (which is the featured pic I show more often here).

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