Monday, January 14, 2013


Am I a "researcher"?
I have an interest in Bigfoot. I take occasional walks through the woods looking for signs that seem out of place that may indicate visits or disturbances to the environment that may or may not be intentional by someone or something. I take note of those unusual structures and disturbances and take pictures of them for curiosity sake. Sometimes I post a video on it, hoping to get comments as to the possible legitimacy of the findings.  I also post with the hope that maybe someone, somewhere will find similar findings in their areas, so we could get corroboration of possible BF habitation environments.
I have a BFRO report filed from a few years ago and I have some pictures I took that look like there is/are familiar and questionable subject(s).  I have noticed that without labeling the videos as Bigfoot, they don't get many views for possible corroboration, so I use the time honored tradition of using sensationalism just to get someone to read or watch.  While I am still questioning the legitimacy of my own objects of observations, I post with title to gain initial interest to go further into my posts.
Even though this post is smattered with the word "I", this isn't about me.
This is about trying to get corroboration (there's that word again) within the BF community (if such a thing...a national community... actually exists).  Unfortunately we fall into an area of interest that is dominated by personal experiences (and opinions), and encourages the use of the first person pronouns.  Until such scientific study or acknowledgement occurs, then we will be fraught with the frailties and weaknesses of the human spirit in this area of study. This includes the search for personal attention, the need to fit into a group, the (sometime) need to bend the truth to fulfill those needs.  And the need to correct injustices and perceived untruths or lies.
I do not have a scientific background. I do not claim to have a scientific mind, only a heightened interest in this subject due to my own questioning experiences. This has developed into somewhat of a hobby, and certainly not a profession.  While hobbies can often consume our minds during times of otherwise stressful life experiences, they do provide escapes, diversions of the mind.  For which I acknowledge my own impetus in the continuing activity of this hobby.
Am I a "researcher"? 
I dare say, NOT!
I do not have the qualifications to be considered in such high regard.
I consider myself...a searcher.

It must be said that there are those people who give their lives and their fortunes to finding evidence of bigfoot. They employ the latest techniques and best practices known to date.  These people should be called "researchers". But my point is it is like calling a weekend armchair Quarter Back (like myself) a researcher is silly.  Others deserve it, and need to stay true to the quest. My comments/post was only meant to be a reflection of myself and others like me. Honor and respect needs to be admonished upon those who spend serious time, techniques and money in the quest

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