Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tree peeker

I was about to take this picture of the tree/stick structure at Salt Fork State Park, in Ohio (back in early October, 2012). As I was concentrating on the camera screen that I held up in front of my face, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black object move and disappear behind a tree and a downed log (see the circles).  I took two pictures in succession.  When I got home and put this on my computer, and enlarged the photograph, in this particular area of shadows, a face appears, with different posturing in each of the pictures.

Alright...I fell subject to calling this a tree-peeker.
Actually, I don't know what this is, but it has some features of a face...a rather ugly one.

Could this be a juvenile BF?

Usually, I would consider this pareidolia, except for the fact that I took these two pictures within moments of each other, while standing in the same spot, and not moving myself, other than to push the trigger to take two pictures. This definitely shows the subject to have moved position, of what looks like the left side of the face.

I played with color "enhancing" just see if any features pop out at you.  Well, here it is, direct from Salt Fork State Park.

This is my rookie attempt at trying to make sense of the pictures I took. The subject is located in this picture where the circle is, and the rest of the pics were enlarged to check the blurry details.  (How's that for an oxymoron?)

The enlarged photos from the circled area. The second picture of the above is not included, but the enlargement from that photo is the second close up below:

First, I took this one

Then this one was taken

There seems to be a definite change in expression also.

Tell me what you think...

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